

Mar 19

Drunk ass hillbillies

This is what happens when you mix intoxicating substances with an internet connection and a beautiful mandolin.


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  1. carnut476

    @cheapcape she doesn’t have the equipment .

  2. MalcolmTripl3X

    I fucking love this. God bless youtube.

  3. cheapcape

    One ugly bitch, probably fucks her brother.

  4. cancunmermaid

    wipe the camera lens and clear out the smoke in your kitchen

  5. juicystar721

    Why’d you have to go and burp for DAMN!

  6. Ms2blackcats

    Ah folks give them a chance! They’re probably a just a little nervous !

  7. carnut476

    A bunch of space cadets lol

  8. GhostRiderFA

    You best be glad I do not piss in the cat box! This is to damn funny, they need to make more videos. Lol

  9. DonettaHicks

    why ndont you go clean up the damn cat box while your at it.lol

  10. Jeansieguy

    Thankyou for inviting us into your kitchen :)

  11. TrailerParkShow01

    You want to be on TV! Here is an interesting opportunity for anyone who lives in a trailer park. We’re looking for real-life residents of trailer parks to partake in a project that will be for broadcast.

    Provide info…
    How long you lived there and what are your Family dynamics (e.g do you have children, are you single, etc)?
    Please submit:
    -A picture (if possible)
    -Contact info


    Craigslist PostingID: 2454793031or2454796195

  12. leonpowalski2008

    Ever get the impression these folks walk their kids to school every day because they’re in the same grade?

  13. cinwelch2002

    At least we know how to spell IGNORANT!! LOL

  14. kluxman45

    Ignornt fucks

  15. ewalks73

    this is fuckin funny

  16. justsumday2010

    lmao nice ….. ” i dont piss in it you should cuz u r a pussy ” lol

  17. georgetilyou

    what reaction do you get from people that see you with your money in your bra cup?do you ever put other things there like credit card? change purse? car keys? coins do they ever fall out? its a subject i fing fascinates me. probobally because im a man and can never do it.

  18. LuxXxKiTTen

    @georgetilyou I live in chicago and carry my money that way, its convenient

  19. LuxXxKiTTen

    lol if oprah winfrey was to see this she’d have a cow

  20. zzinglish53

    It was considerate of you to smear Vaseline on the lens so it’s easier to pretend this isn’t really happening somewhere… Thanks

  21. 1971SuperLead

    Classic dysfuntion.

  22. Eshayzbra96

    oh my fucking god there’s a negro
    youse:where?he suppose to be picking my cotton!

    lol whats wrong with black people?

  23. magprob

    Thumbs up if you like to Fart real loud in public.

  24. georgetilyou

    a question to the ladys. do hillbille women usually carry there money in there bra cup? i knew a few and they all do this. is it a custom in your part of the country?

  25. kissmelickme24

    lmfao!!!! GREAT!!!!

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