

Mar 19

redneck URINAL handwash FAIL

oh my… this is awesome! during a live interview at a music festival, this reporter is explaining how they are avoiding long lines in the restrooms by providing basins for folks needing to urinate. During the interview, a redneck guy picks up a sani-disc and starts to use it as a soap bar before realizing his mistake… DOH!


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  1. zox0mtj

    I’m dutch and this is so funny

  2. mark28105

    Aww, frisk. Good one.

  3. mark28105

    @fishboy147 He probably went in there to wash his hands in the toilet.

  4. fishboy147

    he probably went into the porta-potty to have a drink and calm down

  5. JordoF6

    Sounds exactly like Irish Gaelic.

  6. satanpunks

    rednecks should not be allowed to travel :

  7. Streichwurstable

    why is there a picture of a black person under the toilet signs? xD

  8. A7xRc

    @JacobAF101 You’re joking, right?

  9. SSstely

    lol “chris good one”

  10. whowantsmymeat

    what the fuck language is that?

  11. TheSchlampampe

    thanks, now I know how to ask if it’s a urinal in Dutch!

  12. LupeCarrmJimPaynec

    Always I was interesting on How it’s made. This video is perfect. Do a commercial and also let me know some thinks !

  13. JFarmer223

    Why doesn’t he try to speak their language before going to english? It’s respectful to try to speak their language before speaking your own.

  14. JacobAF101

    She looks like a lesbian Ellen DeGeneres

  15. pughdafis

    @partsmadeinbrasil get that shit out your brain, can’t tell what you were thinking.

  16. absurdnsbm

    @bombarderoazul It’s dutch

  17. bombarderoazul

    is that english or german i can’t tell?

  18. mullensk8ter15

    @eatmeimsteak Are homophobes automatically right-wing? Nice presumption.

  19. kurisu925

    Ignorance: a lack of knowledge, education, or awareness.

    Arrogance:an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions

    All people are ignorant because it is impossible for one person to know everything. Anyone who claims that they are not ignorant is inherently arrogant because such a statment is a presumptuous claim of intellectual superiority in which they assume to know everything.

  20. Nelarsen

    is that a joke

  21. partsmadeinbrasil

    get the shit out your mouth, i cant understand what you are saying!

  22. wwwtotalitaerde

    Some of the murders by the German BND known to the public:
    Uwe Barschel (politician), Jürgen Möllemann (politician), Heiner Gehring (author), Martina Pflock (political activist), Tron (internet activist), Karl Koch (political/internet activist), Bernd Seiffert (human rights activist), Kirsten Heisig (author/judge), Fritz Bauer (persecutor of the Frankfurt Auschwitz processes), Markus Bott (human rights activist).
    Google the names and check out my channel and homepage.

  23. HubieB

    This is not a redneck. Respect for the man and shame to the reporter for laughing in his face.

  24. LeoStorm15

    Don’t hate on the guy. Generations of incest make them prone to thinking that yellow liquid is water. -__-

  25. gregwah8

    What’s with all the American bashing? I’m sure I can find a shit ton of videos of Europeans doing dumb shit, that doesn’t mean that the entire continent of Europe is retarded. You judge an entire country of more than 300,000,000 people based on the actions of a few individuals, and you claim Americans are the ignorant ones? Using that logic, I’d be 100% justified in making the claim that all Europeans are hypocrites.

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