

May 03


Even Jesus thinks you’re idiots. Spread this video or make your own so that Bastrop High School, and other such schools, cannot easily get away with this deplorable behavior without being seen by thousands of atheists, secularists, moderates, etc. Link to Bastrop High School: mpsb.us GrapplingIgnorance’s excellent video on this: www.youtube.com Facebook group for Damon Fowler: www.facebook.com Damon Fowler explains his story here: www.reddit.com Why is it unconstitutional? First, nobody is stopping prayer, but it is public funding of the prayer that’s the problem. If I owned a home near Bastrop High School, then the real estate taxes I must pay by LAW would be used for an organized prayer using facilities, equipment, and employees I paid for – AN ATHEIST BEING FORCED BY LAW TO PAY FOR PRAYER. It is obvious that is unconstitutional. If Gabriel Broadway wanted to privately fund a separate meeting for a prayer, she’s perfectly within her rights to do so. Bottom line: pray on your own time and your own dime. . If you need further elaboration, here is a PM I wrote on the matter: . Endorsement is different than accommodation. . If a Muslim’s religion requires him to pray during school hours (a public school), then by law, the school is not allowed to prevent him from doing so (accommodation). I believe that I have proven beyond the shadow of any doubt, that Christianity doesn’t REQUIRE a large public prayer at a graduation ceremony, and that, in fact, the religion actually
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. Bfdidc

    Bastrop High sounds pretty backwards; I shudder to think what their biology classes were like. The school, its students, its teachers and administration, and the local press may have managed to shout down Damon Fowler, but at least their hypocrisy will be on display on the internet for years to come.

  2. realcoolboy17

    Forgive me for sounding selfish, but thank God(pun intended) I didn’t here anybody with a northern or west coast accent in this video. As long as this ass backwards negative mentality towards logic and reason stays primarily down south, I can stay happily in this country.

  3. ItaliaEmo

    Haha, I -wish- that most of the people running the world were atheists. Unfortunately, that’s simply not true.

  4. ItaliaEmo

    If you do not believe in a god(s), then you’re an atheist by definition of the term. There are no moralities (e.g., humanism) or levels of certainty (gnosticism vs. agnosticism) attached to the word “atheist,” though you can add other words to describe yourself.

  5. rams321

    i call myself a non believer.

  6. ItaliaEmo

    If you don’t call yourself an atheist in spite of the fact that you hold the position, you are being dishonest with yourself.

    You have no evidence for the idea that all atheists are sad people. Sure, we have problems, but what minority does not? I myself live a very content, happy life.

  7. TheHoly Carron

    im not racist, but blacks are responsible for all the crime in this country.
    im not sexist, but women are not capable of working at the same level= lower salary
    im not a homophobic, but gays are the reason our soldiers are dying.

  8. rams321

    and this is exactly why i dont label myself as an atheist, bunch of sad ppl.
    only atheist liberals from the west of course.

  9. rams321

    thanks for making my point.
    go back to your well of sadness pitiful creature.

  10. TheRekindler1337

    This is pretty awful…

  11. vitrinh07

    Last i check most of the people running this world is atheists, and just for playing world of the warcraft makes you forever virgin

  12. ItaliaEmo

    Sad? Do you want to know what’s fucking sad?

    What’s sad is when someone feels the need to call all atheists “morons” for standing up for their rights as American citizens.

    People don’t take atheists seriously because they are blinded by their indoctrinated hatred. Atheists, like myself, deserve a spot at the table in public discourse, regardless of whether or not the bullshit beliefs of yourself and others like you disagree.

    I wouldn’t care about your beliefs if they didn’t hurt people.

  13. melang164

    good. i love u darkmatter. we need to spread this.

  14. dingoman5

    You know, it’s reasons like this that I am glad to live in Canada. Despite being mostly Christian ( Roughly 70%) There is no school praying of this kind. I can say that I am an athiest and I have no fear of being demanized for it.
    America, this is one of the reasons why the world disrespects you!

  15. dmwalker24

    I’m attending University here in Texas. There are 9 Christian student groups on campus. There are regularly goons in the parking lots ambushing people with free bibles and watchtower society literature. Everyone parades their Jesus fish, or bumper sticker, or idiotic t-shirt. Most of them can’t imagine that anyone around them doesn’t share their beliefs.

  16. rams321

    atheists are so sad.
    you morons are annoyed by this? pfff
    this is why ppl cant take atheist seriously.

    tbh if they did this at my school i would be more anoyed cuz their stupid prayer is taking up valuable time that could have been spent doing something else, like playing world of warcraft.

  17. Jjames763

    That’s a false equivalence. Any person who calls themselves Anarchist and yet reaps the rewards of a civilized society is more than just a colossal hypocrite, they are a thief as well, if they refuse to pay taxes. Atheists pay for honest, truthful education. We are NOT paying for our children and others’ to be indoctrinated into a dark cult.

  18. Doug richardson

    what a fucking twat

  19. NaziGOPBallmer

    “WOW USA is so far behind on some things….”

    No kidding, that’s why I loathe the right-wingers of America, especially the Christian fundamentalists. They’re solely responsible for the regression trying to push this country back to the 19th century when we’re in the fucking 21st century!!

  20. TheDC92

    Fuck hypocrites

  21. Towelieishigh37

    At my high school, there’s currently a huge “controversy” over prayer in schools. Living in the South, I’m not surprised that it’s a big deal, but it was just my luck that it should happen at my school. There’s no end to it. Everyday I get to listen kids’ stupid opinions; they can’t seem to wrap their little heads around the fact that they can’t force others to shut up and listen to them pray out loud. Oh well, I’m sure the law will win out eventually.

  22. legion1a

    Teaching religious faith to children is a crime against humanity.
    These children will never understand the world; just fairy tales.

    Religion is evil; look at history.
    When I was a child I was told I shouldn’t play with Frankie anymore, because his family is Catholic.
    I shouldn’t play with Richard anymore, his mother is a Jehovah Witness, and I should pray for his father, because he is unequally yoked.
    On every level religion does harm!
    Christians stopped funding for Stem Cell Research!

  23. Weemancake

    The same Americans who hates Hitler fiercely, does this.
    I’m not surprised that these people have no idea how such evil and cultism occurs in the first place. Personally i don’t look upon anyone who would infringe on the rights of homosexuals and other “wrong” people, any higher than i look upon Hitler himself.
    Same evils, different degrees.

  24. SmashtheCmachine

    There’s nothing else I can say. Dark Matter covered the foremost thought on my mind as I watched this video.

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