

May 19

Redneck Teamwork

the rednecks that live next door are getting water today

world’s strongest redneck cleans clothes in trunk MAIN CHANNEL SUB www.youtube.com FACEBOOK www.facebook.com TWITTER twitter.com


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  1. kingcatkid

    haha they do the same thing every weekend


    These rednecks are so funny… maybe call the next video Rednecks on a mission!
    I have never seen any Rednecks in real life or on video! This is comedy gold, i need more rednecks!


    that is hilarious… “Yep, thats pretty Redneck right there… definition” hahaha

  4. MrImnofish

    no no no chevy sucks ford raptors are where its at

  5. twistervintagemotor

    All i really want to see is him lift the car.

  6. wordlife6660

    Man, americans have big houses

  7. 62636263c

    Oh no you didn’t, lol.


    Dude why won’t you get a pickup truck real rednecks drive one get a chevy silverado crewcab LTZ

  9. codkids4life

    shamwow ?

  10. cbfall

    OMG!! So unbelievably cool!!

  11. bobofoxy123

    @53stevemcgranahan Did that ruin ur trunk lol i think it would

  12. NellsStuff

    But wait… how did you DRY the clothes??? I am picturing everything tied together and blowing in the breeze as you head on down the highway!

  13. shadylaydi

    OMG I laughed so hard. Sorry Steve……..That is one way to get your car clean! But I hear ya man, it would be a pain in the buttocks to get cleaned out! Try using a shop vac?? They suck up water…..just pour some water little at a time, and eventually you’ll get it diluted enough to be tolerable.

  14. justen5506

    Well at least yours was tide. I had a whole gallon of tar tipped over in the wifes couple month old car. I kept smelling it and didn’t know what the heck it was thought of burning oil but it was to strong. Until my wife called me and chewed me out.

  15. ohfoshodawg


  16. SuperSgs


  17. mrchoppaboy

    weres ur chevy???no gmc?? nothin lifted or muddy at all???

  18. Rawru123

    love this one it is so funny haha

  19. michaellovegrove

    yeah true thats what’s so good about him!

  20. Tim0nTh

    Same thing here, it’s just the same vile stuff repeated over and over, this big guy is at least original and comes of as a nice person in general ^^

  21. michaellovegrove

    yeah I agree haha. I used to watch his videos but they’re just getting too dirty and gay.

  22. fatman532

    Such a great solution :)

  23. Tim0nTh

    Stevemcgranahan > Shane Dawson anytime!

  24. ernieinhawaii

    should have used the vac first to take out 80% of the soap. lol its ok im sure you did it your way.

  25. MrNinjaman21

    lol driving my dog

  26. RoscoesRiffs

    On the bright side, at least it wasn’t a gallon of PAINT!

  27. BootlegPainting

    thats funny because when I was a teen me and a friend who is a girl was partying in her moms car, well this chick we had with us puked and spilled a 40 ozs so we got the bright idea to go to qtr car wash and spray out the inside just like you did the trunk… cost me 37 bucks in the vacume alone (my bright idea to get the soapy water out… lol good times thanks for bring back that memory steve. oh ya it was an 80s dodge daytona lol what a mess that was but didnt smell like puke or beer anymore

  28. myslimusik

    awesome washing mashine 😀

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