

Sep 01



PACO TAKES CHOPSTIX RECORD BY CONSUMING 10 SHOTS OF JACK, 2 RAW EGGS, SHOT OF MAYO, THEN TAKES MORE SHOTS OF JACK & CHUGS MORE MAYO, BBQ SAUCE AND EVEN SPIT TO TRY AND THROW UP TO KEEP FROM GETTING ALCOHOL POISONING. Definition By Mayo Clinic staff Alcohol poisoning is a serious — and sometimes deadly — consequence of consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. Drinking too much too quickly can affect your breathing, heart rate and gag reflex and potentially lead to coma and death. Binge drinking — rapidly downing 5 or more drinks in a row — is the main cause of alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning can also occur when you accidentally ingest household products that contain alcohol. A person with alcohol poisoning needs immediate medical attention. If you suspect someone has alcohol poisoning, call 911 or your local poison control center right away. Treatment consists of providing breathing support and intravenous fluids and vitamins until the alcohol is completely eliminated from the body.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. marcmantione

    Wanna see so
    Thing crazy tattooed my eyeball red

  2. Fugazi1905

    Why does it say Redneck Alcohol Abuse and the first thing I see is a fat asian man?

  3. HeavyRainSW

    Pussy !!

  4. kolbydeschain19

    I gag just watching this!

  5. efcdk92

    Mayo? Fuckin hell

  6. ItsThatZombyLuv

    I actually love mayo…. and jack… and eggs…. wheres my damn 100?!

  7. nimaxx38

    I could do that all except for the mayo part. I’d rather take 2 more eggs

  8. gasmask408

    that mayonnaise is fucked up lol

  9. MikroBadass

    for the record too there was still some leftover in those shot glasses… he sounds like crap man…

  10. MikroBadass

    eeehh he wasted some of the jack on the table.. paco better lick it back up lol

  11. CabronDioz

    i loves the jack but not that much XD

  12. johwak121

    never seen whiskey make a man cry? shiiiiitttt

  13. truthslap

    hardly a fail, that man just earned his $100. hilarious video though.

  14. Zelexy

    You retarded? This has nothing to do with status he just want the 100 bucks

  15. mmmbrownie

    people will do anything to be popular

  16. iiNETFLIX

    speed…..your not even timing him???

  17. 111Buckethead

    hopfully this guy isint driving home.

  18. Eli3459

    now here’s something we hope you’ll really enjoy

  19. DolantheDuck

    hey ya’ll watch this!

  20. HalfwayHouse12a

    I think $100 is about 65 British pounds


    LOL how much is hundred bucks in pounds?

  22. YoungDris1


  23. AmphibiousReconMSOB

    I was playing jump by panama while watching this haha

  24. Fredrik Häll

    Paco doesn’t look very enthused! I don’t blame him 😛

  25. SuperElMojado

    100 dollars?HELL NAWW

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