

Oct 04

Redneck microwave explosion

Retired military personnel make a microwave bomb.

Using starting fluid to seat the bead on a big Michelin 800/70R38. The tire was on a 9630 John Deere.


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  1. atomiccronic420

    Please dont ever send these men / boys to war

  2. boundaryzero

    This is the YT original microwave destruction

  3. JettaJ1


  4. ElectronicCatHeaven

    Don’t try this at home kids.

  5. BrentwoodRedneck

    The dude laughing at the end just put the icing on the cake lol this is a perfect video 😀

  6. vorstadtkrokodil2

    HAhahaha So Funny :)

  7. countryboywithguitar

    what did u put in there?

  8. gluebubble

    Best. Laugh. EVER.

  9. dawgsolid

    holy fuck man that was crazy good

  10. hearts76100

    Holy shit man…..
    That was loud and powerful

  11. MrsBrot1

    WTF XD

  12. countrygurl15ify

    hmmmmm i have a old microwave….. lol might try this :)

  13. 86skltrck

    What did yall put in there lmao!

  14. SpitRhyma

    LMAO that was so incredibly redneck!

  15. kjun13

    “Redneck” means that they skip the boring shit and do what other people do only WAY more awesome and dangerous.

  16. 34D2234

    probably 6 M-1000’s

  17. erion628

    hahahah fukin funny canadians

  18. 6b616e

    some explosives. c4 or so. that was fake cuz not the microwave caused that explosion.

  19. jmisiur

    hope it was one of um foreign models.

  20. murzart

    that’s why u r retired…

  21. BadBoySoulja920

    LMAO!!!!!!!!!! They dieing on the floor

  22. Angarsk1991

    Any Idea what the fuck they put in there?

  23. darrencard


  24. heavyweight328

    guy almost pissed himself laughing

  25. horrormaddiness

    jesus christ

  26. kcrone1

    Inside can’t stay on fire, he just create a vacuum, science 1-O-1.

  27. SteelCity1981

    hey whatever gets the job done.

  28. 1993gandy

    No, there is. But it would burn up so quickly that the fire would get put out before any damage is done.

  29. MrMcadams101

    there is no oxygen in the tyre , so a fire would burn up.

  30. Galaxy2517

    Works like a charm….Not so much on 4wheeler tires though….BOOM right off the rim…lol

  31. silvermediastudio

    Yeah this is a pretty standard practice.. he just used a little too much fluid and it pooled at the bottom.

  32. MrStanleybigfare

    How is that redneck? The Europeans have been doing that in the far northern continent since there has been tires! The same in Syberia and in other parts of Asia! It has nothing to do with Redneck and to do with necessity.

  33. yubjuli

    Not Possible.

  34. jousha ladnier


  35. Sefandjasmine

    You’re quite right, I stand corrected again!

  36. Jeff1991N

    try 78% nitrogen

  37. BroccoliBomber


  38. Sefandjasmine

    I stand corrected!

  39. alexwarlock8

    I think you’re thinking of nitrogen, and mnnvixin23 is right, it’s impossible for there to be a fire inside of a seated tire because of the lack of oxygen inside the tire. I also suspect that after blasting the tire on the rim like that would create a vacuum afterwords, which would also extinguish the flame.

  40. lukethekanefan

    it will go out inside the tire not much oxygen if u wait till u fill it

  41. Sefandjasmine

    Air 79% oxygen.

  42. theBibleisTruth1

    Atheism Is Funny, Part 2

    youtube(.)com /watch?v=5JVh-DUBado

  43. joe36242

    Truco muy viejo y a veces confiable, lo estúpido es el fuckin red nec mother fucker kkk..

  44. jfekendall

    I’ve done the ether trick many times. Safe? No. But when you’re on a jungle trail, you have little choice.

  45. mnnvixin23

    The fire couldnt start as there is no oxygen to feed the fire once the tire is mounted

  46. rxman2011

    Ether burning inside a tire would run itself out of oxygen too quickly to start the tire on fire.

  47. dkocrazy1

    wouldnt the fire go out real quick due to lack of oxygen

  48. othelzer

    i did see a boss who was this little mexican guy who blew up a truck tire by over doing it
    it tossed him clear across the room into the new tire stack and he was good enough not to get hurt to bad,so we could laugh guilt free.
    the next week we got a tire inflation ring which i promptly knocked myself out with

  49. mattn189

    there is not enough oxygen inside the tire for the fire to burn long enough to explode the tire.

  50. samuelbarber94

    Fire needs oxygen to burn it creates a seal and the oxygen is burned off right away

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