

Oct 24

Frank and Martha Root Call Walmart (prank call)

Frank and Martha Root Call Walmart (prank call)

Frank and Martha, old fashioned hillbillies, call America’s number 1 shopping center.

December 18, 1963


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  1. clutchmc22

    this sucks

  2. unsolved92

    you coulnd’t hear a dump truck going through a Nitroglycerin plant. LMAO that just too funny, you got that line from Christmas Vacation and I’m glad you did to LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. ImCaptainjackass

    Now listen you stupid sob I aint called them up in a while have I? lol

  4. markjh619

    This aint got shit on Frank Garrett

  5. merrickspinners

    omfg that was funny again lol i can stop watching this video dude make more make more lol

  6. MissBr00keN0elle

    that was kinda annoying

  7. madcaller118

    thank you doomfag

  8. DoomDen

    That’s retarded.

  9. roversrawsome

    That was SO SO SO SO funny! Make more videos like this!!!!!

  10. merrickspinners

    omg thats so funny make more lol

  11. klinu

    Great Job Guys.

  12. Gothkid15

    OMFG….That was soo funny…i actually did a prank call where i told Walmart that i was in their parking lot and that their was a guy on the roof about to commit suicide if he didn’t get a copy of Dead Rising.

  13. giobbistar21

    Imagine if the Manson family hadn’t gotten her.

  14. TheBuddah80

    What a present!!!!!!!!!!! for Jethro

  15. Beatles0223

    I’ve been looking for B.H. episodes with Sharon in it for a long time. Thanks for posting.

  16. anonwillprevail247

    i know right! its so scary how life can be taken away like that. poor baby =( i love sharon!

  17. Monstermack40

    The most beautiful actress ever and I mean ever.

  18. Tarantulisimo

    Yeah I hate TVLand…They slice & dice reruns all day everyday. Jerks!!!

  19. BernardProfitendieu

    you’re dreaming if you think she stole that scene in any way

  20. Atomsmasher777

    Rest in peace, Sharon.

  21. GeorgeVreelandHill

    The Beverly Hillbillies is one of my favorite all-time shows.
    I love it.
    I also love Sharon Tate.
    She was a beautiful person both inside and out.
    What a shame she died like that.
    Sharon should have lived a long life.
    She had so much to give.

    George Vreeland Hill

  22. xXPinkGoddessXx

    She didn’t need blonde hair to be a total scene stealer!

  23. ilovemarciabrady

    They showed this episode today and they totally cut this part out. I got excited to record this episode too. Damn you TV Land!!!!

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