

Dec 11

Fun With Guns

June 4th 2009 is the 20th Anniversary of the making of FUN WITH GUNS! Three goofy West Virginia hillbillies drink beer, shoot, burn and blow up stuff with assorted guns, bombs and a home made flamethrower. Does anyone know who performed the title song? Now closed captioned for the deaf.


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  1. tjfarted

    Well let me go fuck my sister now, this was an inspiration.

  2. ongteu33

    Great, sub/thumb/faved you :)  MORE VIDEOS!!

  3. hoanganhtuanan

    W0aH ^^ Epic Video

  4. riprckjames


  5. motoxp89


  6. XmenLover4587

    I live in WV, and these people sound like some of my family and me! Great vid!!!

  7. WVHillbilly

    I’m the one in the hat.

  8. nativedjd

    u should make a new one

  9. Fockersnextdoor

    West Virginia had both Byrd and Rockefeller vote for the Lands Bill which makes honest gun owners criminals if they drive down a road that crosses NPS land in WV with a carry permit. Thats right, they want you put in prison. spread the word vote these tyrants out of office.

  10. friskystapler

    you guys are hilarious

  11. WVHillbilly

    This was shot in 1989 on VHS.

  12. 9letmeseeit

    Good shit man, keep up the good shit!

  13. owchywawa

    This looks like it’s from the 80′. When was it made? Nice video!

  14. JTSA58

    Holy shit. That’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. My favorite parts are the globe and the snake, the skits and commentary are what does it for me. Thank you so much, you really gotta make more videos!

  15. tejaspics

    that blowed up REAL FUCKIN GOOD!!!!!

  16. thomas251061

    I like your video. Love it !

  17. WVHillbilly

    You think so, shiptar?
    At least we’re literate and can write a coherent sentence.
    Now I see the reason the Serbs took care of you squareheads.

  18. amf1967

    white trach canibals not big deferent fron negros in gettos

  19. Karl Ushanka

    I’m moving to West Virginia! Ya Baby!

  20. TeamshakeNbake

    comoddor1, your a fag

  21. cory barnes

    greg fuck you go back to your rich no good fucking state

  22. ElCamino0to60

    i think i now know what the 2 liter bottle bomb is made with

  23. Chaddaddy202

    My brother inlaw (Brett Ward) told me about this video. I love it. Makes me feel at home. Nothin like drinkin beer and blowin shit up!!!

  24. 73DrtSprt

    haha. thats some funny shit right there

  25. WVHillbilly

    Yeah? You Greeks should know about shit since you’re all used to fucking men in the ass.
    You’re probably a butt slammer too, aren’t you Zorba?
    What have the greeks done for the world in the last 500 years or so? Pick olives?
    Go shave your unibrow, Papadopolus.

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