

Jan 04

monster man part 7

While driving in a highway to the wedding of his beloved Betty-Ann, Adam is surprised by his former schoolmate Harley on the backseat of his car. Adam has broken off with the inconvenient and moron Harley because of Betty-Ann. Along their road trip, Harley makes fun of some rednecks in a bar and later their car is chased by a giant monster truck on the road. After some incidents, they give a lift to the hitchhiker Sarah and sooner the trio is terrorized by a scary monster driving the monster truck


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  1. wallofboingo

    “I’m a corpse burrito, dude!” Hahaha!

  2. jdog942

    It’s not Horsepower that get’s it up the hill, it’s Torque.

  3. TheMonstertruckman

    Idk man I’ve seen these trucks do crazy things.

  4. david griffiths

    : doesnt matter how much horsepower you have he wasnt able to get the traction to get up that hill..

  5. luis reyes

    09:42 Stanky Legg

  6. luis reyes

    08:19 hey do the Stanky Legg lmao

  7. luis reyes

    0:49 funniest part 

  8. negaduck2000

    Love this movie!!! It is a lot of fun to watch

  9. Justin Taylor

    that good that you took the trouble to upload the videos of the whole movie. I like a lot of that movie, you’re a good friend. do you gutaria they drew monster man 2

  10. trilljacker654

    6:13 is the worst way to run into a horror monster

  11. riley skinner

    this some funny shit hahahahaha

  12. CaliStoners1

    Wow even though a body is laying on top of him he still finds humor in it “Im a corps burrito dude” xD

  13. CaliStoners1

    Why doesnt Harley hold the bodie down with his legs lol

  14. oscarortega2000

    2:00 oh shit

  15. TheMonstertruckman

    5:35 Ok soo a 1500 horsepower beast cant make it up the side of a hill but a fat ass can. WTF

  16. Rizwan Aswad

    At 3:36 i coudnt stop laughing….lmaooooo hahhahahaa

  17. 5dmc1

    look at Sarah’s face when they are running away from the truck, she is smiling

  18. e16able

    And i thought, good riddance 03:50, but i was wrong, i guess i will have to endure the fatso clown, probably to the end +_+

  19. thisaccountisshared

    3:22 wuz funny

  20. thisaccountisshared

    weird how he wasnt breathing heavly in the beggining of the movie

  21. thisaccountisshared

    He can barely walk or breathe

  22. Pytbull sindycate

    hahahaha 03:21 LOL hahahahaha best

  23. guyisonline

    This is by far the dumbest horror movie į have ever seen.


    “There’s a Dead guy in the back seat”. There’s a dead hooker in my trunk what else is new lol

  25. bachingo18


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