

Mar 12


www.blimptv.net Bush has given Iraqi TV networks to Halliburton and this is the result.

The Walkers – I wasn’t born in Tennessee 1976 We don’t smoke marijuana in Muskogee, We don’t take our trips on LSD. We don’t burn our draft cards down on main street We like living right and being free. Got my four pedal streel player, Jimmy’s got his fiddle making like it was his own world. Got them city hillbillies and them green-eyed fillies, Looking up at me like I was Merle. An’ if we can’t fool ’em all the time, It’s all right with me. ‘Cause it’s still my song, ain’t nothin’ wrong, An’ I wasn’t born in Tennessee. I was seven an’ ten years and hiding my fears, Behind the sound of a steel guitar. Though the city was rocking, we was country, Sockin’ it to ’em at a Mount Burnham bar. Them city folks, we was doing our strokes, And that don’t qualify me. I’ll be back again, you remember then, That I wasn’t born in Tennessee. We don’t smoke marijuana in Muskogee, We don’t take our trips on LSD. We don’t burn our draft cards down on main street We like living right an’ bein’ free. (Instrumental) I heard old Hag singing about doing his thing, And I was proud of the things that he’d done. And how them San Fran hippies and them LA yippies, Ain’t changin’ that Okie none. But with every show, I see his sideburns grow, An’ there’s hair where his face used to be. An’ in a year or so, you may never know, That I wasn’t born, wasn’t born, wasn’t born, wasn’t born I never knew a horse I didn’t wager on. I wasn’t born in Tennessee. We don’t smoke marijuana in Muskogee, We don’t take
Video Rating: 5 / 5


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  1. gymer15

    Infadels, always making fun of islam

  2. SplitYoWigBack

    not racist

  3. milpool21

    brilliant !!!!!!

  4. mat2000100

    And oh If you want to watch Saudi King Live then its weekdays 5pm/6 basra (Also Weekends 12pm /5 Basra).

  5. mat2000100

    Tuesday night comedy Shedule:

    8:00pm Where’s saddy
    8:30pm The Kuwaiti hillbillies
    9:30pm Omar Pyle U.S.M.C.
    10:00pm Dome Improvement
    10:30pm News
    11:00pm The tonight show w/ jay lentil
    12:00am Station Close

  6. airdriver

    Okay where’s the son in law named Mullah-Head?

  7. BiteHunter


  8. moviegeek65

    Allah In The Family


  9. ditsie


  10. tyndarius

    lol Is this freedom on the march? that bush keeps talking about?

  11. cpmisalive

    The flame war comments are almost, but not quite, as funny as the video. It seems everyone singles out a tiny bit and rants over it. I don’t see anyone standing up for Haliburton. Now, where did I put those share certificates…

  12. cajunhornet60

    This station will Bomb; like Bushes policies….impeach that piece of garbage…

  13. cycimian

    I thnk if you try going to the blimp page and see that its attacking this NWO by useing comedy, Lord knows we want this over yesterday, But do all we can to bring this war to an end.

  14. cjkfire

    If you claim to be native then you would know that the natives never claimed the land to be theirs. That doesn’t give the right for others to push natives out of their homes but they didn’t understand the concept of being able to own the land; no one owns it in their minds. So before you claim to know American history and claim to be a native, actually understand what you are talking about.

  15. idkaikooly

    why just can one live their lives witohut hating or killing someone,just live your life,make it cool or more happier than hatin or being insecured from sombdy elses religion or watever…just be psotive in life:)

  16. sharinganeye007

    fucking retarded ignorant bullshit

  17. Richard Randall

    Best thing I’ve seen on Youtube this week. Keep up the good work.

  18. DigiTan000

    I love Dome Improvement, but they keep moving the time slot.

  19. donniebakerfan

    you good liberals gotta love the political correctness you shoved down our throats. we are supposed to love them, but only to have them want to chop our heads off…damn cultural diversity really is working. hey libs, remember to read your holy quoran to find out your method of death.
    p.s.-thanks, you good liberals for cutting off our balls, we would never need them for the up coming holy war with islam. afterall they are a religion of “peace”

  20. Bille994

    lawl xD

  21. Fer Galicia

    It looks like one of those fake tv shows from Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude and well that’s a fun game.

  22. Afghangee786

    wow ur full of shit either ur blind or u cant read cuz all the comments below u are ripping on christianity and jews i dont see any shit about Islam are u retarded perhaps?

  23. boilol8

    OceanLord r u serious! are you fuckin serious ur talkin about peace while 24/7 ppl talkin about islam making fun of prophet muhammad get real no one aint gettin killed becuz of what i said there gettin killed because of hatred

  24. FamilyManMFH91

    Jesus sucks…Never crusified…where is his body?…Jesus was gay…Jesus was not the son of god…..god had no son….who did he have sex with?….Only way to have a son….Muhammed and Jesus are equal status

  25. crazylazyace

    can’t you guys take a joke???
    one sniff and you want to kill jews, arabs, or some other generally inocent group (who have nothing to do with this at all).
    there isnt much thats even a bit offensive about this clip anyway!

  26. Aryleia


  27. wiel mullenders

    lekker ouderwetse muziek waar je niet agressief
    van wordt

  28. pezzyy99

    It sounds like John Fogertys CCR!!!!!!

  29. veiga14

    são demais isso que é grupo!!!!

  30. jinkestoker


  31. pedrosortv

    Muito Bom. Muito Obrigado pelo video. Gostamos. Brazil. J

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