

Feb 23

Deliverance – Redneck Scene 1

Intent on seeing the Cahulawassee River before it’s turned into one huge lake, outdoor fanatic Lewis (Burt Reynolds) takes his friends Bobby (Ned Beatty), Ed (Jon Voight), and Drew (Ronny Cox) on a river-rafting trip the will never forget. This scene contains classic Redneck lines such as “Drop them pants”, and “have you ever got your balls cut off you f*cking ape”.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. RayWilliamJohansen

    @tooooobbbyyy worst, i came all over the ceiling

  2. msnow22000

    You gotta be careful in the woods around Farmersville Texas. Lol!

  3. DemonDracula

    omg its people from Vidor Texas

  4. AuburnAlum

    You got a purty mouth.

  5. SpaghettiDragonBall

    @weggieish Even Toy Story 3

  6. CreeCore94

    does anyone of else have a strong hatred for rednecks after watching this video?

  7. todd8333

    Why did the rednecks get so pissed at them, they were just being freindly to them?

  8. pechinrules

    RIP Bill McKinney. “This river dont go to Antry…you done taken the wrong turn…’

  9. triarii11

    “Aintree!!” he snaps. The boys indeed took a wrong turn into every hiker’s nightmare. Wildly funny if taken that way, with “now let’s you jest drop them pants” being a favored movie quote when younger. Things go seriously wrong for the still-virginal Bobby at at the 3 minute mark of this clip, and the Line start flyin’. You can just hear the jug-band a’playin’ as the two hillbillies avail themselves of their captured city-folk.

  10. bwood21390

    Hence, I carry a sidearm so I could blow one of these fudgepackers’ peckers off.

  11. sexyones09

    Didn’t they delete a scene in Superman II where Lex Luthor butt-raped Ned beatty’s character in the Jail Cell scene?

  12. todd8333

    I bet these rednecks just got out of prison.

  13. Doug19752533

    “Look if you gentlemen have a still up here”….. “A still??!!” thats where they screwed up lol

  14. weggieish

    I could never watch Ned Beatty in another movie without thinking about this scene. LOL

  15. tooooobbbyyy

    anyone else got a boner?

  16. jsdavis77

    All SEC scholarship athletes must first watch, then perfect the technique shown here before being admitted into school. Reading is optional.

  17. imdacoolestguy

    Anyone else have a craving for bacon?

  18. imdacoolestguy

    The moral of this film, if you haven’t got a cunt handy, a butthole will do just fine. It’s a wonderfully uplifting message.

  19. thelonewolf997

    “Excuse me sir, which way leads back into town?” *cocks shotgun* “……Back the way you came feller.”

  20. verfugbarkite

    Where’s me kleenex

  21. soundvisionary13

    @the1texasmccoy There’s no such thing as GAY Rape. Rape is rape. It’s a form of violence,by a mentally insane person. Many men who rape men are not gay at all. They get off on making their victim afraid,knowing that what they do to them is their worst fear. Go figure. “Ie haate dem dam faggetz.I wish theya wer dayd. They have gay sex,haw dizgusting! Lets teach dem a lesson. Letz fuck their buutholes like they like to do. They won’t do it ever again than!”So what terrible things do you mean then?

  22. XVsiLEnT

    @reving19 If we wanted your money, we’d take your money

  23. todd8333

    Only in America

  24. Babyglockster27

    The TSA !  LOL


    I find this easy to masturbate to

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