

Sep 17

Asian Redneck 1 – An Introduction

Jimmy Wang Yang: Asian Redneck
Video Rating: 4 / 5

J-TV’s video on “The Redneck Run” that happens every morning of every day during Jamboree In the Hills. It’s referred to as “The Superbowl of Country music” because it’s huge. I live 20 miles from the site, and working foodservice 10 miles from the site is HELL during this week. Those of you that have never been to Jamboree in the Hills don’t understand this infamous idea. Essentially, you’ve got a HUGE field. When they open the gates in the morning, you’ve got to go stake out your seats for the day, so you’ll have your best runner run with a tarp as your stake. In short, it’s like the Running of the Bulls. With no bulls. And everyone’s hungover from the night before. Most are still drunk. One thing to add is that I did not make this video. Do not credit me for it, but please do visit the ‘Jambo website at www.jamboreeinthehills.com and see all the other stuff!


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  1. theworldwins

    Jimmy Wang Yang. He’s a juicy contradiction.

  2. chyeahmann

    notice how the WWE logo is on the wrong side? the entire video is flipped, so the steering wheel is actually on the right side.

  3. Spidey Marvel

    I lol’d.

  4. buklao559


  5. alex salas

    i have the weirdest headache

  6. wisdomleader85

    saying this as an Asian, there are black rednecks in Texas, lol. stereotypes are bullshit.

  7. babyboy3601978

    LOL with his asian redneck ass.. He still cool though

  8. tombstone5860


    Where r ya so i could run you over with my truck?

  9. tombstone5860

    Anyone notice that the steering wheel of the truck is on the wrong side? That is an american model truck so I know it’s on the wrong side

  10. videogamer810

    Give or take a couple billion.

  11. MrAqminor

    Stupid gimick that got him over and kept him employed for 4 years in a division no one gave a shit about.

  12. phillipssteven45

    Stupid gimick i swear wwe pisses me off at times

  13. sdmitch16

    He’s wearing leather and his chest is visible. This is a terrible redneck impersonation.

  14. Danthepest1

    Wish they’d have pushed him or at LEAST given him some mic time.

  15. born912

    goes to show you how stupid sterotypes and racism are

  16. homeworksucksass


  17. BlackDynamiteNYC

    WWE misses Jimmy Wang Yang A LOT!

  18. AlexMitan

    But Not Too Foreign

  19. dan19961

    yo dude,I’m asian,and I love this guy,he’s a great athlete,the 7 ppl just can’t see talent and can’t mimmick an accent

  20. fatjack421

    7 people are asian.

  21. 21April853BC

    Were you adopted????  JK!

  22. KillTheToy11

    So many questions.

    TVTropes, what madness have you led me to?

  23. vayman666

    this is so awesome

  24. Archzenom

    But not too foreign.
    -Archzenom the troper.

  25. Jasonbobdude

    He’s still a stereotype, just not an Asian one.

  26. Shabungo92

    Can’t wait!!! Hahaa Jambo & Powerline are two things I LIVE for!

  27. Darkdro12

    Its a shame that the lineups have become so cheesy.Back in the 90’s and early 2000’s the lineup was jammed up with superstars.I dont even know who half the singers are this year, Ive never heard of em.

  28. 1more4theroad

    Hey, good for you for being legal about it! I am not from WV, or SE Ohio, but there is definitely an attraction there for me. I think it’s because of the level of friends that exist there. I did live in Panhandle area of WV for awhile. I do miss most of the people and all of the scenery! Definitely God’s country!!  Enjoy it next year and have one for me! :)

  29. rojadrik

    You and me both. I’m going next year, but that’s only because I’ll be old enough to legally drink at JITH.

  30. 1more4theroad

    Thank you for posting this and for explaining what it was. Obviously, I’m a JITH virgin, despite having lived near for a few years…quite some time ago.

  31. brandonbjtbjt

    jambo 2008!!!!!!!!!! another year in the books what a great time!!!!

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