

Mar 02

One Potato, Two Potato…

One Potato, Two Potato...

…Three potato, four! Actually, we harvested a whole bunch of these beautiful new baby potatoes from our family vegetable garden. A first timer starts out slow with an “EWWW!” and a “YUCK” but after the first couple nuggets she’s right in there digging in the dirt looking for treasures. ALL Potatoes were harmed in the making of this video. ( and boy, were they ever yummy. MMMMM) Read about our country farm life on our blog theredneckhillbillies.blogspot.com and Git Yer Redneck On! Tees, Mugs, Magnets and more at http


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  1. Lance Cardinal

    potatos are delicious

  2. RedneckHillbillies

    It probably depends on what area you’re in, but for me I’d say… the green or yellow string beans of either the bush or pole variety. We depend on them to fill our freezers because they rarely fail. I can’t grow any root crop besides potatoes, and have pest issues with things like broccoli and radishes but always manage to grow the beans! Lettuce works well too if you can keep the slugs away. Good luck!

  3. Dexter Lin

    What is the best plant for begginers? Thanks for your assistance

  4. RedneckHillbillies

    Careful, gardening can be addictive! The harvest, the memories, the learning, even the hard work that goes in to it – I love it all, and eating fresh, healthy veggies picked 10 minutes earlier from the front yard is incredibly satisfying.
    Have fun with your daughters getting your hands dirty!

  5. RedneckHillbillies

    I have to wait a little longer before I can get out in the garden myself, but I’m looking forward to another great tater year 😀

  6. checkfoldcallraise

    awesome harvest! great little roasting potatoes. i have a young russet potato plant in the garden and i just planted a bunch more seed potatoes. cant wait!

  7. Angie Guerra

    This is so awsome!! I just started my very 1st veggie garden! and I cant wait for all the great things that wil come from it ..not only the satisfacion of the harvest but the priceless memories!! I have 3 daughters 2 around your daughters age, and I look forward to all the great time we wil have =D any advise?

  8. RedneckHillbillies

    Thanks! Tips? Watch a few youtube videos ;p …Even watering, not too much manure either or you’ll end up with scab, and make sure the taters are well covered/protected from the sun when they start forming or they’ll turn green (mildly toxic) I learned a little about all this firsthand, yet I still got a bunch of awesome potatoes so you can’t go far wrong. For me the russet type potatos sprouting in my pantry outperformed the red pontiac seed potatoes at least 3 to 1.

  9. BasketballDX

    GREAT! im thinking about planting potatoes next year, any tips?

  10. gr8wg

    watching your child learning to ‘harvest’ was most inspiring – hopefully enlightening to those who do not really know where food comes from !

  11. RedneckHillbillies

    Thank you for the nice comments – and for subscribing!

  12. RedneckHillbillies

    Thanks! The garden is a ‘chore’ I don’t mind doing – especially at picking time!

  13. Yewtoobnube

    Awesome video. Great harvest!!

    Great youtube name too.

    Loved your comment “ALL Potatoes were harmed in the making of this video. ( and boy, were they ever yummy. MMMMM)”. Cracked me up.

    I’ve subscribed and will keep watching for your updates.

  14. HomesteadAcres

    Great job! Its always fun digging up potatoes :-).

  15. RedneckHillbillies

    Absolutely! Do you grow that kind of potato too?! lol

  16. GoatHollow


  17. RedneckHillbillies

    It’s my first attempt at potatoes – space has always been an issue for us too. I’m just really happy that I got more potatoes out than I had to put in. ;p

  18. HBKitmitto

    That was very cool. I so wish I had enough space to grow a nice sized potato crop

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