

Mar 05

GoodGriefing 17: Redneck Rage (Team-Killing Reactions – Call of Duty 4)

a couple of illiterate, retarded, racist hillbillies get pissed off when CR33D and I betray them in Call of Duty 4
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. MrSupasaiyanswagga

    hmmm pick cotton or fuck my sister who’s also my aunt……..damn this is a tough 1

  2. teedonster2

    so stereotypical. its funny

  3. teedonster2

    so low on the totem pole? XD

  4. Bawmish

    You didn’t have to include those adjectives on the hillbillies. All hillbillies are stupid..

  5. Paolo Amador

    This is the funniest video.

  6. Bryan Emanuel

    team kills is what fps are all about

  7. Redneckx12

    I understand completely on what the guy was saying :)

  8. Redneckx12


  9. AndreasHasSkillz

    Check out my teamkilling video

  10. SinistaMinista666

    lmao chickenfucker…that’s classic!!!

  11. Kurt Hawkins

    most definitely 😀

  12. vanillastien

    No problem, glad to help people meet these try hards.
    It provides the most memorable funny moments.

  13. Kurt Hawkins

    sweet, thanks man….we need more people that actually reads comments and replies :)

  14. vanillastien

    Just play on the american servers south-east, you will find these type of people who make america look SOOOOOOO stupid.

  15. AKcrash25

    LOL I’m a little scared that I might get in a match with you someday, and you will do something. But What?

  16. Kurt Hawkins

    It saddens me that we dont get these types of people in Australia.

  17. Tony Kennedy

    look at 5:38 on the scoreboard there’s oG CR33D

  18. MPaulsell

    Toasters are not valid capture cards. 😀

  19. coltoncheif8899


  20. Afxtn

    Lmao, rednecks are an embarrassment.

  21. JamesHLanier

    We should play COD4 then. I promise not to teamkill you…much :)

  22. WorldsGreatestCandy

    I miss CoD4.. but not ass teammates that TK

  23. soap1464

    sob98 for good griefing

  24. 14lieshy

    he Crimsonkane do u know creedsun ?

  25. ShamanTheHedgehog

    “i’m sending you a message” XD

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