

Mar 14

6 year old BEAUTY QUEEN

www.emeralddream.com Best Private 1x wow vanilla server She’s Alana and she’s a beauty queen. Haters gonna hate.
Video Rating: 2 / 5


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  1. KenshinXRikku

    Oh my god…Lol…….. that was so wrong but SO DAMN FUNNY LMAO!

  2. asta315

    I bet they failed.

  3. shayq7

    Fuck up urself… not ur children

  4. mutatedweasel

    i love animal planet

  5. Morgan Freeman

    “Shoot this mothafucca”
     -Morgan Freeman

  6. eustachioism

    I bet atleast 100 paedophiles have gotten off to this.

  7. MrAntonats

    What the Fuck? Die mother f*cker die

  8. TheNerdyHippoGamers

    im really scared

  9. tjtoby01

    kill it

  10. tjtoby01

    JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 she should go back to pound land 1.because she is a wreck 2.she weighs 1,000,000 pounds

  11. Nico Hanan

    She is Not a Beauty Queen

  12. Nico Hanan

    Honey boo boo you Stress me Out

  13. MyHead IsEmpty

    That THING, is not beautiful, Who ever thought that, IS honey boo boo.

  14. Marika Ryan

    she is scary, and is ugly so i do not see how do wins

  15. WAZAGamestudios

    I love how they need subtitles and at one point she didn’t move her mouth but she spoke

  16. WAZAGamestudios

    her mum once went to prison

  17. abbeycasper01

    Disgusting ….absolutely gross

  18. jcscd


  19. jesus ismymaster

    arnt beauty pageants considered child abuse yet?

  20. Louisa Fioretti

    How can you all insult a six year old? What the fuck. Grow up.

  21. Shame0nNick

    A dolla makes me holla!

  22. Jonah Freed

    I truly believe Honey Boo Boo Child will be president of the United States of America one day.

  23. MrSchizophrenia14

    Her morbid obesity and stupidity suggests that she’s American.

  24. Jennifer Marquez

    Me parece una vulgaridad la niña es linda pero lo que a aprendido parece de una típica rubia vulgar que feo perdí mi tiempo viendo este vídeo

  25. Pewdsmini101

    awww look what we have here… a psycho cild who thinks that shes the queen of the world, a stuck up, stupid little girl who has no BRAIN and whos parent doesnt teach her anything about life!!!!!! -.=

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