

May 04

Redneck Archaeologist Taster.avi

Join the Redneck Archaeologist, Jackson Burns and his gang of over-achieving rednecks as they travel into history to find the truth behind the legends of history and archaeology
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Jackie feels a little racist hating Obama so much. Dunlap helps him work through his feelings. www.redstateupdate.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. swampfizz


  2. AmericanAztec915

    All this ppl accusing us conservatives of being racist for attacking Obama where the first to attack Herman Cain, we should of used their same tactics against the, racist liberlas made a great man like Herman Cain drop out

  3. neverbefree1000


  4. txtluva

    I hate south Americans is that racist

  5. DabrodThompson

    No it’s not racist at all… he’s a terrible president

  6. thePANDASgirl13

    Definition of racism:
    1. The belief that all members of each race posses characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

    2. Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed at or against someone of a different race based on such a belief.

    I don’t think it’s racist to hate Obama.

  7. vamatrocious

    You guys r racist to black people and im black, you guys can go suck yourselves, Jackie you racist

  8. zaprese

    @Xmarksthegamer I am English, damn it!!!

  9. XMarkstheGamer

    A hypocrite because your American.

  10. TargetStudios1


  11. AmericanAztec915

    All this ppl accusing us conservatives of being racist for attacking Obama where the first to attack Herman Cain, we should of used their same tactics against the, racist liberlas made a great man like Herman Cain drop out

  12. neverbefree1000


  13. txtluva

    I hate south Americans is that racist

  14. DabrodThompson

    No it’s not racist at all… he’s a terrible president

  15. thePANDASgirl13

    Definition of racism:
    1. The belief that all members of each race posses characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

    2. Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed at or against someone of a different race based on such a belief.

    I don’t think it’s racist to hate Obama.

  16. vamatrocious

    You guys r racist to black people and im black, you guys can go suck yourselves, Jackie you racist

  17. zaprese

    @Xmarksthegamer I am English, damn it!!!

  18. XMarkstheGamer

    A hypocrite because your American.

  19. TargetStudios1


  20. rayday559

    to hate anyone that have never done anything to u is wrong. i may dislike the way people do things. but as him being the first African – Caucasian American to be president im surprise he can get anything done when he still have to look for the white man to agree with him. every president that have been pro minority have been hated so this is nothing new. racism lives on thru the 20th century because if u didn’t hate Bush its no way you couldn’t hate Obama.

  21. zaprese

    So if we hate him because he’s American but not because he is black, what are we?

  22. MyDogBrownie

    clearly it depends on the reason, so if its because of his skin color, skin tone, nationality, origin, complexion, or ethnicity then yea, yea its racist as shit.

  23. juliensays

    I fell asleep listening to country one day… I woke up racist…

  24. adam13deaf

    just redneck is racist. not country music

  25. JohnDeere30201

    you know there’s a black country singer right?

  26. roppasmoka

    this aint Russia… black russia…? LMAO

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