

Nov 09

Rodney Howells attacks forest protesters

Rodney Howells attacks forest protesters

Tasmanian logging contractor Rodney Howells attacks conservationists at two different logging coupes. Howells was found guilty of the second assault see: bit.ly No charges were ever laid over the first. All lame comments by rednecks (which is just about all of them) will be deleted because no one wants to hear your crap and support for violence. Footage taken from French TV documentary: player.canalplus.fr Please note that lame rednecks comments will be deleted. This is a safe space for supporting forest protection.
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  1. dannyjacobs88

    ” i couldn’t give a fuck”

  2. CamoBator

    thats tasmania for you
    we gave them up years ago

  3. mumblesallday

    This is so hard to watch. I cried because fhe is so filled with hatred. I commend the protestors for their tireless work. They should be given medals for bravery and resilience. The world should thank them for their selflessness and love for this savaged planet.

  4. Brodie Richardson

    this needs a dubstep remix

  5. dannyjacobs88

    arggh ya cunt

  6. BKoiBK

    Oouuuttt of it ya cunts!!!

  7. thatcher88

    Violence is the refuge of the ignorant.

  8. 64davo

    Howells looked terrified. i was in fear for his safety. its a tough life he lives i think.

  9. lothanial

    Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent (Salvador Hardin in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Series)

  10. tubestevens

    Go get fucked lol

  11. tubestevens

    “I couldn’t give a fuck” lol

  12. BornskiAECC


  13. tubestevens

    arrgh ya cunt

  14. tubestevens

    ” i couldn’t give a fuck lol”

  15. tubestevens

    laughed so hard when i saw this clip

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